Friday, August 22, 2008

This and That

Fall is fast approaching and things are starting to slow down a little in the garden. Jamie and I have accomplished so much in the garden this year it’s almost un-comprehendible. Yesterday afternoon I spent the greater part of four hours cutting grass and piddling around in the yard. When I was done, I sat back in a chair and looked over all of my hard work for the afternoon. As I was sitting there mentally rearranging and repositioning plants I was hit with such a huge sense of satisfaction with the way things are coming together. I had a good feeling all over about it. I tend to be my worst critic, so just two days earlier I was completely dissatisfied with the way everything looked. Right now, despite the chaotic cluster of plants in the huge patio bed, I can definitely say Jamie and I are heading in the right direction.

Since we are spending less of our energies planting around the house it has opened time for other projects. About two weeks ago Jamie and I spent the weekend building a trellis wall and three arbors. I’ve been itching to show them to you, but I don’t want to until the beds are cut out around them. And, to be completely honest, Jamie and I have not had the strength or energy to do it the past week. We’ve worked so hard EVERY single weekend since the beginning of March we just need a little break. So, we’ve been taking one and working on other projects that are less labor intensive. I do intend to work on the trellis beds and arbor beds this weekend, weather permitting.

There are several things that we’ve been neglecting lately around the house and it’s time to start taking that into consideration. One little project this past weekend was to re-do the sitting area outside the kitchen door. With all the work we had been doing in the garden, we didn’t even have a comfortable place to sit and enjoy the fruits of our labor. It was one of those things that we’ve been saying we were going to do, but never seemed to get around to it.

 Window Seating

Jamie and I have an attraction to lions that has recently come to light. We realized we keep purchasing things and looking at items with lions on them. While helping Jimmy and Wade move this past weekend, Jimmy gave us the most wonderful bronze planter with lions on it. We just love it and I think its well worth the 25 cents Jimmy paid for it at the Salvation Army.


Lion Planter

Right now we still have lots of things blooming in the garden, but only a few items that I haven’t previously posted in other entries. I’m sure everyone has seen the Purple Hyacinth Bean blooms before…


But, have you ever seen the White Hyacinth Bean blooms? This one is called Lablab purpureus 'Alba', also known as Dolichos lablab 'Alba'.

White Hyacinth

Jamie has wanted these Balloon Flowers for so long. He’s finally getting to enjoy his blooms. I do have to agree they are a very pretty color.

Balloon Flower

The ‘Tonto’ finally decided to show us what it has to contribute to our garden. All the Crepe Myrtles seem to bloom at different times, so that’s good. They slightly overlap each other.


Last but not least, I threw in this picture of the ‘Richard Wallace’ buds because I thought it was the prettiest yellow color I’ve seen in a long time.

Richard Wallace Bud


tina said...

Lots of pretties and those planters are something else for sure.

Anonymous said...

The sitting area outside the kitchen is perfect. I can just see you all sitting out there with a cup of coffee and the newspaper taking it easy. I know from your postings that ya'll have been working so hard to repair the garden after the tornado, and it looks wonderful. You deserve to sit back more and enjoy it. Can't wait to see the new stuff.

Always Growing

Roses and Lilacs said...

Beautiful late season blooms. I love the sitting area right outside the door. Wonderful place to start the day with coffee or end the day watching the sunset.

Completely off subject but I love the lace in your window;) Very, very pretty.

Annie in Austin said...

Your Salvation Army must get donations from more interesting people than the ones who donate in my neighborhood - that's a patio with personality, Randy and Jamie!

I'd like to grow the white hyacinth bean with moon vines for a White Moon garden.

Annie at the Transplantable Rose

Randy said...

I thought they turned out pretty good. Thank you! :-)

Jan, I can't wait for the weather to cool down a little more, maybe some of the mosqitos will vanish then. We had another tornado in Prattville Monday. The poor plants got beat to death will all the wind. The garden is a mess, but nothing that can't be cleaned up so that's a blessing.

Marnie, you have a good eye to spot those curtains. LOL I prefer open windows, so if I do feel the need to put somthing up, I like to make sure it's light and airy.

Jimmy has the best luck when it comes to the SA and Goodwill stores! I don't know how he does it. If you need some the the Alba Hyacinth seeds, just let me know. I'll be glad to send them to you. :-)The seed pods are almost as white as the blooms.

Eve said...

Canna and balloon flowers are so pretty. I have Crape Myrtle in the dark pink color but I would love to have a lavender one.

You sitting area is really pretty. I don't actually have a sitting area outside so much as just a swing and a couple of garden bench's next to the garden. I need to fancy it up a bit with a table and some large potted plants.

KC MO Garden Guy said...

What a great planter and a wonderful gift! I agree it is worth more than .25 cents.
What a great setting area. Love the blue pots! Your garden is so wonderful you both should be proud of all that you have accomplished!