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It’s that’s time again folks. The good people and CSN Stores are offering us another opportunity for one Our Eden’s readers to be rewarded with a gift. I love these little promotional giveaways! For those of you that aren’t familiar with their line of stores they offer a wide variety of items available for purchase through the online websites. I usually pick a garden related item to giveaway on the blog but they also carry a full line of other products as well. Dinnerware sets, furniture and even bath accessories are just a few of the items available from the stores.
I’ll be posting the requirements to qualify for the giveaway soon! Be sure to keep you eyes open for the post to see how you can win a very nice gift I’m sure you will enjoy. How am I so certain about that? Because this time you will get to pick it! I’m looking forward to the fun, I hope you are too. Be sure and tell you friends to watch for the upcoming opportunity.
Jamie and I had a wonderful 4th of July yesterday. It was spent cooking out with our dearest friends Wade and Jimmy and later that evening we went to watch the “flowers in the sky.” Jamie and I both agreed we can’t remember when we’ve enjoyed Independence Day so much. I hope you enjoyed yours too.

What says summer better than fireflies? This is Crocosmia ‘Firefly’.

I have all these bulbs and I just can’t bring myself to throw them out in the trash. BTW this is only about half of them I got tired of snipping off the top and the rest are still in a trash bag. I’ll be thinning out three other areas soon. I thought maybe you guys might be able to help me figure out what to do with them. *wink* I wouldn’t think they would produce much nectar, but the humming birds seem to love them.

If I have time, I’ll snip off the tops of the rest of them, if not I may just have to let them go out by the road. If I could find homes for the ones I have cleaned up at least that would be better than throwing them all away, right?